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Uploader for the Resource Repository - March 25, 2006 (by Luke-Jr)

The resource repository now supports automated resource uploading for registered authors. Please see the Add Resource page for more details, including information on registering your author-name. - March 18th, 2006 (by Tank Program)

Great news everyone! The long awaited (and tested) version of Armagetron Advanced has been completed and released! Everyone should head to the recently updated Downloads page and grab the new version. New features include maps, multiple axis, improved hud and graphics code, improved zones, and more.


On a side note, versions 0.2.8_beta1 to are subject to a severe security flaw and users should upgrade immediately. See this forums post for more information.

Release Candidate 4 - March 10th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Release Candidate 4 is now available on the Release Candidate page. It should not be too much longer before is declared finnished. The usual comments about reporting any problems or comments on the forums applies.

Release Candidate 3 - Febuary 9th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

In keeping with the tradition of almost every other opensource project site we've seen, our site is too horribly out of date! But not today at least. Betas are a thing of the past. We're on the next step to a full release, release candidates. Specifically, the site has missed rc1 and rc2. But we're on rc3 now. You can help test! You can get from the Release Candidate page and help us iron out any last minute bugs. Again, sorry for the late updates and we hope you like the new changes! As I'm fond of saying, please report any problems on the forums.

Forums 2 Years Old - December 18th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Today the forums hit their two year old birthday. Where would we be without them? Who knows, but let's applaud everyone that's helped make them the special place that they are.

Forums Back - December 7th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Everything's been relocated that has to be, and the forums are back on now. Thanks everyone for having some patience.

Forums Offline - December 5th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

The forums are temporarily offline pending the physical relocation of the server box. They should be back online some time soon.

0.2.8_beta4 - November 26th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Yet another beta is available for testing, this time, it's 0.2.8_beta4. You can get it off the beta page. Not quite as many packages for target platforms yet, but you can always compile from source. As always, please report any problems on the forums.

Bugg! - November 3rd, 2005 (by Z-Man)

Sorry, the beta3 has fatal timer syncing issues, looking just like huge amounts of lag.

Dugg! - October 31st, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Yes, what an action packed day. Not only does beta3 finally make it here to the main page, but Armagetron Advanced has been dugg on digg.com! 288 diggs so far. Personally, I have no idea if that is good or not, as I don't regularly read digg. Thanks to my friend olleman for pointing this out to me, good times eh? And of course, thanks to everyone who likes AA, from everyone here :).

0.2.8_beta3 - October 31st, 2005 (by Tank Program)

That's right, 0.2.8_beta3 is out for testing now, grab at the beta page. Again, sorry for the slow pickup to the mainpage, here. Been waiting for an OS X build, which is sadly experiencing some bugs. Please hold on everyone who uses OS X, we're working on it.

Wiki & IPv6 - October 22nd, 2005 (by Tank Program)

There's now a wiki for Armagetron Advanced, check it out at http://wiki.armagetronad.net. Also, for those people with IPv6 support (admittedly few) this site is now IPv6 accessible, via the IPv6 domain http://armagetronad.6dns.org.

0.2.8_beta2 - September 11th, 2005 (by Luke-Jr)

The second beta release of Armagetron Advanced is now available for GNU/Linux and Windows platforms on the beta download page. Mac OS X and Mandriva releases will become available over the next few days.

0.2.8_beta1 for OS X - September 3rd, 2005 (by Tank Program)

The 0.2.8_beta1 release is now available for OS X as well. Head over to the beta page to grab it!

0.2.8_beta1 - August 28th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Armagetron Advanced has been released. There really are some great improvements and testing is needed. Available from the beta page. Check back often for updates and packages for more platforms!

0.2.8 - August 16th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Just so everyone knows, version 0.2.8 is under active development and should not be much more than 3 more months in testing & final bug fixing before it's ready.

The New Site - August 16th, 2005 (by Tank Program)

Finally a properly designed website lives! A big thank you to Lackadaisical for putting it together for us. Here you'll find information about Armagetron Advanced, from the past to the future, and from downloads to screenshots, and well, pretty much everything a proper game website should have.