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<center><font size="7">W S T</font></center><br>
<center><font size="7">W S T</font></center><br>
<center><font size="5">War Sumo Tournament 6 - Sunday, December 19th, 2010!</font></center>
<center><font size="5">War Sumo Tournament {{WarSumo|number}} - {{WarSumo|date}} </font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b>Sign-ups are Open!</b></font></center><br>
<font size="4">'''Sunday, December 19th, 2010!'''</font>
<font size="4">[https://forums3.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=39044 '''{{WarSumo|date}}''']</font>
=General Information=
=General Information=
*This is the War Sumo Tournament.
*This is the War Sumo Tournament.
*The tournament will be held every other month starting in Feburary, 2010.
*Times and brackets are listed below.
*Times and brackets are listed below.
*You will also find official settings and guidelines below.
*You will also find official settings and guidelines below.
*Each team is allowed only 3 players (and 2 subs).  This is a '''3v3''' tournament.
*Each team is allowed only 4 players (and 2 subs).  This is a '''4v4''' tournament.
*Servers will be chosen and positioned on the brackets of each month.
*Servers will be chosen and positioned on the brackets.
*Players will be randomized then placed on the brackets of each month.
*Teams will be randomized then placed on the brackets.
*Players and team editing will be '''locked''' after the brackets are up.
*Team editing will be '''locked''' after the brackets are up.
*Be friendly and have fun.  
*To participate, all teams are required to have a minimum of '''four''' members and a maximum of '''six'''. Any more than three will only count as substitution.
*To participate, all teams are required to have a minimum of '''three''' members and a maximum of '''five'''. Any more than three will only count as substitution.
*A team can switch around their substitutions whenever they feel like it. As long as there's a maximum of 4 team members on the grid at one time.
*A team can switch around their substitutions whenever they feel like it. As long as there's a maximum of 3 team members on the grid at one time.
*Each player is allowed to be signed up to only '''one''' team, but may switch teams on the day of the event, if their first team is full.
*Each player is allowed to be signed up to only '''one''' team, but may switch teams on the day of the event, if their first team is full.
*If you have '''played''' a match with a team, you are '''NOT''' allowed to join another team as you have already locked yourself with the previous team by playing with them.
*If you have '''played''' a match with a team, you are '''NOT''' allowed to join another team as you have already locked yourself with the previous team by playing with them.
*On the day of the event, team captains are allowed to replace any of their members that do not show up.
*On the day of the event, team captains are allowed to replace any of their members that do not show up.
*If a team only has 2 players, the other teams captain will then decide if the other team can play or not.
*Each team has 5 minutes after the posted time to be ready or they will be forced to forfeit. If the other team is in a match from a previous round in the tournament they will have 8 minutes after the match to get their team ready and the match started.
*Be friendly and have fun.
*In case a tiebreaker is needed after the round robin matchups, the tied teams will each play each other once more for '''5 rounds only'''. If the teams are still tied after this, then '''point differential''' of these 5 round matches will be used. If the teams are still tied with point differential, the advancing teams will be randomly chosen from the remaining tied teams.
*The WST [http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/7383/wts.png map].
<!-- *The WST [http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/7383/wts.png map]. -->
*Practically default Sumo settings, apart from the changes said, here.
<!--*The new WST [http://resource.armagetronad.net/display/Titanoboa/warsumo/modern-2.2.aamap.xml map]-->
*The first team to win two matches advances to the next round. (Best 2 out of 3 matches)
*The old WST [http://resource.armagetronad.net/display/turtle/classic/sumo-faceoff-0.0.1.aamap.xml map]
*First team to reach 1000 points wins a match.
*The tournament will be set up with a round robin opening, with top 2 teams from each group going into a final, 2 round bracket
*No time limits.
*First team to reach 1500 points wins a match.
*Finals are best of 3 match wins as well.
*Round robin matches are played best of 1 match.
*Final bracket matches are played best 2 out of 3 matches.
===Server Settings===
===Server Settings===
<pre>RINCLUDE wst5.cfg(http://crazy-tronners.com/resource/wst/wst5.cfg)
RINCLUDE wst/wst_4v4_v2.cfg(http://www.armanelgtron.tk/aa/resource/wst/wst_4v4_v2.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0x8db6cdWST 6 0x00688b(Host Name - Location)</pre>
RINCLUDE abcd/auth/WST_29auths.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/abcd/auth/WST_29auths.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0x8db6cdWST {{WarSumo|number}} 0x00688b(Host Name - Location)
===Players without a team===
===Players without a team===
Add your name here if you're looking to join a team. A person looking to create or find someone for their team will hopefully contact you.
Add your name here if you're looking to join a team. A person looking to create or find someone for their team will hopefully contact you. If enough people are listed when brackets are created, they will be placed into teams automatically.
  *'''Name''' <code>Global ID(user@forums)</code>
  *'''Name''' <code>Global ID (@forums)</code>
*'''Syn''' <code>rxsyn@forums</code>
*'''Nivek.POT''' <code>NIVEK@forums</code>
*'''pizza''' <code>teen@forums</code>
*'''stereo''' <code>stereo@forums</code>
*'''Syllabear''' (syllabear@forums)
== Teams ==
To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list.
#'''TEAMNAMEHERE''' |Player 1 ( Captain@forums))| Player 2 | Player 3 | Player 4 |Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:
#'''The master baiters''' |Johnny (johnny.nbk.@forums)| Rudy | Magi | N | Nanu |
To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list.
#'''Four Horsemen''' |rookie ( reserved2@lt))| appleseed | Olive | Over | NoBrain
#'''TEAMNAMEHERE''' | Captain (@forums) | Player 2 | Player 3 | Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:
#'''no name yet''' |ampz (ampz@forums)| Gazelle | koala | lava |
#'''Open (your mind) Team''' |stereo (stereo@forums)| Syn (rxsyn@forums) | Nivek.POT (NIVEK@forums)| pizza (teen@forums) |
#<FONT SIZE=6><FONT COLOR=#254117><b>☣</b></FONT></FONT> | HIV (HIV@aagid) | ;)
#'''Oracle a''' | Spin (INW@forums) | Kult | Spook
#'''Oracle β''' | Luck (LucK@forums) | mecca | karma
#'''Oracle c''' | BTD (BTD@forums) | chah | Toxic
#'''Ninja Turtles''' | Leonardo (ItzAcid@forums) | TBD | TBD | TBD |
#'''Guess Again?!''' | oie (chicken@forums) | o | a | aaaiia |
#'''bot.team''' | bot.pwn (bot.pwn@forums) | rab.bot | ro.bot | bot.crazy | bot.juice
#'''Wild West Alpha''' | Ritsuka (Ritsuka@forums) | pldN | Levi |
#'''Wild West Bravo''' | Capone (Shock@forums) | Prestige | Fate |
#''':)''' | :| (pOiSoN@forums) | TBD |
#'''Unknown.1''' | Mkay-1 (Mkay1@forums) | pr3 |
#'''Music Lovers''' | Def Leppard (Eagles@forums) | ElSuave | TBA |
#'''Greek Gods''' | Ares (Ratchet@forums) | Athena | Hermes | TBA | TBA |
#'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RzCB3VRruE Thunderbirds]''' |  Vergil(Word@forums) | Scott | John | Gordon
#'''The Good, the Bad and the Ugly''' | Blondie (themanwithnoname@forums) | Angel Eyes | Tuco |
#'''Ramrod''' | Rimrod (Rimrod@forums) | Romrad | Ramrid |
#'''Collateral Damage''' | Overrated (Overrated@forums) | TBD | TBD |
#'''Redemption''' | JSM (JSM@forums) | A_Nub | Exologist | Acoustix | Brok3n |
#'''RUSH!''' | LEE (biasoner@forums) | LIFESON | PEART | tbd
#'''Sesame Street''' | Grover (Grover@forums) | Cookie Monster | Big Bird | Bert | Ernie
===Global Admins===
===Server List===
If you like to help out and be an admin in the tournament then sign up here.
<nowiki>* '''Server Name''' ([[User talk:ServerAdmin|ServerAdmin]]) <code>Address:Port</code> ''Location''</nowiki>
*'''Name''' <code>Global ID(user@forums)</code>
<u>North America</u>
*'''Spin''' (INW@forums)
*'''LucK''' (LucK@forums)
*'''Ratchet''' (Ratchet@forums)
<!-- * '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 22</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(ritsuka's USA)</span></span>''' ([[User:Ritsuka|ritsuka]]) <code></code> ''Texas, USA''  -->
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 26</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(kevinh.us)</span></span>''' ([[User:Armanelgtron|Armanelgtron]]) <code>armagetron.kevinh.us:4574</code> ''Chicago, USA''
===Server List===
<nowiki>* '''Server Name''' ([[User talk:ServerAdmin|ServerAdmin]]) <code>Address:Port</code> ''Location''</nowiki>
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 22</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(Deso's NY)</span></span>''' ([[User:Desolate|Deso]]) <code></code> ''New York, USA''
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 26</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(RX US)</span></span>''' () <code></code> ''USA''
* '''INW's #1''' ([[User talk:INW|INW]]) <code></code> ''Albany, New York''
* '''INW's #2''' ([[User talk:INW|INW]]) <code></code> ''Albany, New York''
* '''CT's USA''' ([[User talk:Kyle|Kyle]]) <code>usa.crazy-tronners.com:4535</code> ''Chicago, Illinois''
* '''G5's #1''' ([[User talk:G5|G5]]) <code>gaming.junidas.de:4534</code> ''Frankfurt, Germany''
* '''G5's #2''' ([[User talk:G5|G5]]) <code>gaming.junidas.de:4535</code> ''Frankfurt, Germany''
* '''Z-man's''' ([[User talk:Z-Man|Z-Man]]) <code>simamo.de:4536</code> ''Germany''
* '''CT's LIV''' ([[User talk:Kyle|Kyle]]) <code>liv.crazy-tronners.com:4541</code> ''Germany''
* '''CT's STO''' ([[User talk:Kyle|Kyle]]) <code>sto.crazy-tronners.com:4538</code> ''Germany''
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 22</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(Z-Man's Germany)</span></span>''' ([[User:Z-man|Z-Man]]) <code>vps-zman.armagetronad.org:4534</code> ''Frankfurt, Germany''
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 22</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(Z-Man's Germany 2)</span></span>''' ([[User:Z-man|Z-Man]]) <code>builder.armagetronad.org:4534</code> ''Munich, Germany''
* '''<span style="background: rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="color: rgb(141,182,205)">WST 22</span> <span style="color: rgb(0,104,139)">(Deso's EU)</span></span>''' ([[User:Desolate|Deso]]) <code></code> ''Frankfurt, Germany''
=Challenge Board=
=Challenge Board=
===Round Robin===
{| border="20" cellpadding="10" style="text-align:center"
! || [[Pacific Daylight Time|PDT]] (GMT-8) || [[Eastern Daylight Time|EDT]] (GMT-5) || [[Greenwich Mean Time|GMT]] || [[Central European Time|CEST]] (GMT+1)
To edit the round robin matchups and table change [[Template:WarSumoRR{{WarSumo|number}}]]<!-- and [[Template:WarSumoRRTable{{WarSumo|number}}]]-->
| '''First Round''' || 10:45 am || 1:45 pm || 18:45 || 19:45
| '''Second Round''' || 11:30 am || 2:30 pm || 19:30 || 20:30
| '''Quarter Finals''' || 12:30 pm || 3:30 pm || 20:30 || 21:30
===Final Brackets===
| '''Semi Finals''' || 1:15 pm || 4:15 pm || 21:15 || 22:15
| '''Finals''' || 2:00 pm || 5:00 pm || 22:00 || 23:00
To edit the brackets change [[Template:WarSumoBrackets{{WarSumo|number}}]]
To edit the brackets change [[Template:WarSumoBrackets6]]
===Previous Result - [[WST{{#expr: {{WarSumo|number}}-1 }}]]===
<br />
{{WarSumoRR{{#expr: {{WarSumo|number}}-1 }}}}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;''Bracket Link: [[Template:WarSumoRR{{#expr: {{WarSumo|number}}-1 }}]]''
[[Category:War Sumo Tournament]]

Latest revision as of 12:51, 30 June 2024


War Sumo Tournament 30 - Sunday, June 30th, 2024
War Sumo Tournament 30 | Teams | Discussion Thread | Previous WSTs | Brackets
WST 30 is set for Sunday, June 30th, 2024!
  • Teams will be made up of 4 players and at the most 2 subs.
  • Brackets will be posted the Friday of the tournament.
  • If you want to provide a server, don't hesitate to add it under server list.
  • Previous War Sumo Tournament History can be seen here

Sunday, June 30th, 2024 6pmGMT

General Information


  • This is the War Sumo Tournament.
  • Times and brackets are listed below.
  • You will also find official settings and guidelines below.


  • Each team is allowed only 4 players (and 2 subs). This is a 4v4 tournament.
  • Servers will be chosen and positioned on the brackets.
  • Teams will be randomized then placed on the brackets.
  • Team editing will be locked after the brackets are up.
  • To participate, all teams are required to have a minimum of four members and a maximum of six. Any more than three will only count as substitution.
  • A team can switch around their substitutions whenever they feel like it. As long as there's a maximum of 4 team members on the grid at one time.
  • Each player is allowed to be signed up to only one team, but may switch teams on the day of the event, if their first team is full.
  • If you have played a match with a team, you are NOT allowed to join another team as you have already locked yourself with the previous team by playing with them.
  • On the day of the event, team captains are allowed to replace any of their members that do not show up.
  • If a team only has 2 players, the other teams captain will then decide if the other team can play or not.
  • Each team has 5 minutes after the posted time to be ready or they will be forced to forfeit. If the other team is in a match from a previous round in the tournament they will have 8 minutes after the match to get their team ready and the match started.
  • Be friendly and have fun.
  • In case a tiebreaker is needed after the round robin matchups, the tied teams will each play each other once more for 5 rounds only. If the teams are still tied after this, then point differential of these 5 round matches will be used. If the teams are still tied with point differential, the advancing teams will be randomly chosen from the remaining tied teams.


  • The old WST map
  • The tournament will be set up with a round robin opening, with top 2 teams from each group going into a final, 2 round bracket
  • First team to reach 1500 points wins a match.
  • Round robin matches are played best of 1 match.
  • Final bracket matches are played best 2 out of 3 matches.

Server Settings

RINCLUDE wst/wst_4v4_v2.cfg(http://www.armanelgtron.tk/aa/resource/wst/wst_4v4_v2.cfg)
RINCLUDE abcd/auth/WST_29auths.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/abcd/auth/WST_29auths.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0x8db6cdWST 30 0x00688b(Host Name - Location)


Players without a team

Add your name here if you're looking to join a team. A person looking to create or find someone for their team will hopefully contact you. If enough people are listed when brackets are created, they will be placed into teams automatically.

*Name Global ID (@forums)
  • Syn rxsyn@forums
  • Nivek.POT NIVEK@forums
  • pizza teen@forums
  • stereo stereo@forums


To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list.

#TEAMNAMEHERE |Player 1 ( Captain@forums))| Player 2 | Player 3 | Player 4 |Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:
  1. The master baiters |Johnny (johnny.nbk.@forums)| Rudy | Magi | N | Nanu |
  2. Four Horsemen |rookie ( reserved2@lt))| appleseed | Olive | Over | NoBrain
  3. no name yet |ampz (ampz@forums)| Gazelle | koala | lava |
  4. Open (your mind) Team |stereo (stereo@forums)| Syn (rxsyn@forums) | Nivek.POT (NIVEK@forums)| pizza (teen@forums) |


Server List

* '''Server Name''' ([[User talk:ServerAdmin|ServerAdmin]]) <code>Address:Port</code> ''Location''

North America

  • WST 26 (kevinh.us) (Armanelgtron) armagetron.kevinh.us:4574 Chicago, USA
  • WST 22 (Deso's NY) (Deso) New York, USA
  • WST 26 (RX US) () USA


  • WST 22 (Z-Man's Germany) (Z-Man) vps-zman.armagetronad.org:4534 Frankfurt, Germany
  • WST 22 (Z-Man's Germany 2) (Z-Man) builder.armagetronad.org:4534 Munich, Germany
  • WST 22 (Deso's EU) (Deso) Frankfurt, Germany

Challenge Board

Round Robin

To edit the round robin matchups and table change Template:WarSumoRR30

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deli's DC  Four Horsemen Deso's NY  Master Baiters Deli's DC  Open Team
 No Name Yet  Four Horsemen  Four Horsemen
  Deli's DC  no name yet 2
  Deli's EU  Master Baiters 1
  Deli's EU  Open Team 730 Deli's EU  No Name Yet Deso's NY  No Name Yet
 Master Baiters 1500  Open Team  Master Baiters

Previous Result - WST29

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  Scrabble 1400 Deli's EU  RAGE 1070 Deso's NY  NoBrainstorm 1
 NoBrainstorm 1500  Scrabble 1500  RAGE 0
  Deso's NY  Infinity Stones 2
  Deli's EU  TBD 1
  Deli's EU  RAGE 0 Deso's NY  NoBrainstorm Deli's EU  Scrabble
 Infinity Stones 1  Infinity Stones  Infinity Stones

   Bracket Link: Template:WarSumoRR29