Difference between revisions of "TST"

From Armagetron
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  RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg)
  RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg)
  RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-29-auth.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-28-auth.cfg)
  RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-29-auth.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-28-auth.cfg)
  SERVER_NAME 0xaa44ffTST 31 0xff4444(0x6699eePlayer 1's Server0xff4444)
  SERVER_NAME 0xaa44ffTST {{TST Meta|number}} 0xff4444(0x6699eePlayer 1's Server0xff4444)
===Server List===
===Server List===

Revision as of 12:15, 29 October 2023

Team Sumo Tournament | Teams | Discussion Thread | Results | Brackets
The thirty-third Team Sumo Tournament will be played on Sunday February 23rd, 2025


  • Each team consists of 2 players; this is a 2v2v2v2 tournament.
  • The first team to reach 2000 points advances to the next round.
  • In some stages of the tournament, the team in 2nd place at the end of the match will also advance through to the next round.
  • Once you have played for a team, you are not allowed to play for another team in the same tournament.
  • Team captains are allowed to find a substitute if their teammate doesn’t show.
    • If the team captain doesn’t show, their partner is only able to play and find a substitute if they have provided a valid authentication at registration.
  • It is important that each round begins on time; teams are allowed no longer than 5 minutes past the scheduled time to arrive and get ready. Once 5 minutes have passed, the teams will be locked and the match will begin.
    • If the team captain is on time but not their partner, the captain may start playing the match alone, having the partner or a substitute join at a later point mid-game. (Make good use of the /lock and /invite commands!)
    • If the partner has provided an authentication at registration and the team captain isn’t showing, the partner may start alone or invite a substitute once the 5 minutes have passed.
    • If the delay is due to a previous round taking longer than scheduled, the 5 minutes start only once all of the relevant previous rounds have been finished.
  • People who cause a disturbance in the tournament servers will be silenced, suspended, kicked, and/or banned at the moderators’ discretion.
  • Be friendly and have fun.

Challenge Board



To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list. Please put N/A if you do not wish to provide your teammate's Global ID.

{{TSTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Global ID|Teammate|Teammate's Global ID|Wiki Page Name}}

Sign up here:

  1. Rocket Science | Raph ( raph@forums ), Andrei ( abcd@forums )
  2. Stereos System | stereo ( stereo@forums ), Jam (RitZ_@forums )
  3. Broken Keys | nelg ( nelg@lt ), rookie ( reserved2@lt )
  4. GymBros | kettlebell ( Desolate@forums ), dumbbell ( Olive@forums )
  5. We Are Siamese | Si ( Magi@forums ), Am ( dinosareyummy@forums )
  6. K.O. | Mike Tyson( miketyson@forums ), Rocky Balboa( )

Free Agents

The following players are looking for a team. Please reach out to them if you wish to sign-up together. Otherwise, players on this list will be randomized and placed onto teams before the brackets are made.

Leave your GID here:



To edit the brackets change Template:TSTBracket33


First Round Starting Time

GMT: 18:00 (6:00PM)
CET: 19:00 (7:00PM)
EST: 13:00 (1:00PM)


Past TST Results



RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-0.2.cfg)
RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/tst-29-auth.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/tst-28-auth.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0xaa44ffTST 33 0xff4444(0x6699eePlayer 1's Server0xff4444)

Server List

{{TSTServer|Your server name|ip|port|Location|[http://serverwebsite.com http://serverwebsite.com]}

North America

  • TST 33 (NY) () TBA:TBA New York
  • TST 33 (VA) () TBA:TBA Virginia


  • TST 33 (EU) () TBA:TBA Germany
  • TST 33 (vov's Backup EU) () Germany


Please contact Deso (Desolate@forums) in advance to become an administrator.

  • Desolate@forums
  • raph123@forums
  • abcd@forums


Z-man's recordings