Ladle/Challenge Board
The One hundred and sixty-sixth TRONIC Ladle will be played on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025!
Signing Up
Please post your team name and the players who will play for your team below. If you're confused on how to do so, look at the examples below. You may also create a wiki page for your team. Placement on the Bracket is done randomly the Thursday before the Ladle.
{{LadleTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Team Captain's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ...|Wiki Page Name}}
{{LadleTeamExternal|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Team Captain's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ...|}}
For more information, see Template:LadleTeam or Template:LadleTeamExternal. Please avoid using non-alphanumeric characters when possible because they can break our wonderful tools!
By signing up you agree to follow the Rules. Rule breakers may be subject to disciplinary action. Team Captains, please be up to date on how the Ladle works as well.
- TNT (Andrei (abcd@forums), Amico, Stereo, Vape, Venom )
- Wild West (Johnny (Johnny.nbk.@forums), Cookie, Pain, Capone, Ritsuka, Syre, vov )
- Rogue Tronners (Noodles (Noodles@forums), Nanu, Force, Ampz, TBA )
- Variations (FoFo (FoFo@forums), jericho, Roter, Gazelle, 75)
Challenge Board
- All games are best of 3 matches (the first team to win 2 matches advances to the next round).
- All finals are played in the server listed in bold. Teams may agree to move to the backup server if there is a regional preference or problem with the primary server.
To change brackets, edit Template:Ladle109Bracket
Semifinals | Finals | |||||||
Ww's Netherlands | Rogue Tronners | 0 | ||||||
Formerly aP Hosting, USA | Variations | 2 | ||||||
Ww's Netherlands | Variations | 2 | ||||||
Ww's Chicago | Wild West | 0 | ||||||
Ww's Los Angeles | Wild West | 2 | ||||||
Ww's German | TNT | 1 | ||||||
First Round Starting Time
GMT: 18:00 (6:00PM) CET: 20:00 (8:00PM) EDT: 14:00 (2:00PM)
Admins, by offering your server you agree to abide by the Rules for server owners and operators. It is also advisable that you are up to date on how the Ladle works as well. Thank you.
Server Configuration
RINCLUDE Jericho/fortress/newfort.ladle111.cfg( RINCLUDE ladle/ladle111_authorities.cfg( SERVER_NAME 0x7fff7fLadle 166 0xff7f7f(0x7f7fffPlayer 1's Server0xff7f7f) ROUND_CONSOLE_MESSAGE 0x7fff7fLadle 166 0xff7f7f(0x7f7fffPlayer 1's Server0xff7f7f)\n0x999999Please remember to leave server feedback.
- Changes can be reviewed on the Voting page.
Server List
{{LadleServer|Your server name|ip|port|Location|[]}}
- Ladle 166 (Z-Man's GER) (Z-Man)
Frankfurt - Ladle 166 (Ww's German Server) (
Somewhere in Germany - Ladle 166 (Ww's Netherlands Server) (
Somewhere in the Netherlands
US & Others
- Ladle 166 (Light's Ohio, US) (Lightron)
Ohio, USA
- Ladle 166 (Formerly aP Hosting, USA) ()
Illinois, US - formerly aP Hosting
- Ladle 166 (Ww's Los Angeles Server) (
Los Angeles, CA USA
- Ladle 166 (Ww's Chicago Server) (
Chicago, IL USA
Global Moderators
Server owner/players who are available to assist teams in case of a server issue. Do you own a server being used in Ladle? Consider signing up.
- compguygene@forums (compguygene)
- Jericho@forums
- Kira@lt (Light)
- nelg@lt (Nelg)
- Z-Man@forums (Z-man)
Ban List
The section below gets added to authentication files. Banned players get their GID's shunned and any associated IP's placed on the list. See the Penalty Box for current bans.
USER_LEVEL <username>@forums 16 BAN_IP 10000 Ladle Infraction