Fortress Brawl Signup
From Armagetron
In your signups, include your first and secondary position preferences, to make it easier for the team captains.
- Name - FirstPos, SecondPos
- Deso - Defense, Sweeper
- Syllabear - Defence, Attack
- LucK - Sweeper, Attack
- Spin - Defense, Attack, Any Position Really...
- BigTronDaddy - Attack, Sweeper
- Rudycantfail - No preference atm
- olive - Most valuable at: sweep/midfield Prefers: attack/center Certainly not: defense
- Mkay-1 - Center/attack, sweeper
- Elmo - sweeper, attack
- insa - def, sweep
- Poke' Master - sweep, non-center attacker
- Cronix - sweep, center ... or what you want
- Xyron - sweep/center, sweep/center
- Gonzap - attack, center
- noob13 - attack, sweep
- pike - sweeper, defender
- Matoso - attack, sweep (secret preference: defense)
- Magic - any?
- ppotter - Sweep, centre
- Orion - Sweep, Defence
- DiscoSuperstar - Defense, Sweep
- Vaclav Nelhybel - Defense, Sweep
- Titanoboa - Attack/midfield
- Wildcat- Attack/Whatever needed
- chah - attack, sweep
- rain - attack
- Arks - Attack - Defense
- liz - I'm good for any position
- AshitakA - sweeper keeper
- Dal - Attack, Middle Grid
- over - Sweep, Defense
- Syre - Sweeper, Attacker
- Boing - Attack