High Rubber Shooting
Monthly High Rubber (S) Tournament |
It is time to have a HRS tournament. Our objective is to have a monthly tourney in which the clans and players show up their abilities. Please signup your teams and servers as soon as possible.
The Tournament
Welcome to the first HRS Tournament. Please, Sign Up your teams and servers at soon as possible. Brackets, configs, and other important information will be released 1 week before tournament.
Open teams feel welcome to join to this awesome tourney. Only find your teammate and sign up your team.
The Teams are 3 players max (including 1 substitute) but should have a minimum of two players to start. If your teammate do not show up, you have 5 minutes since the round start to get a teammate or you will be completely eliminated from tourney.
Max number of teams per clan: 3 teams (6 players)
3pts Core Dump
1pts Shot
-2pts Suicide
-1pts Death Zone
10pts Round Win
Every match will have 6 teams (12 players). The winner of a match will be the first team to get 100pts. Only the winner team and the second play advances to the next roud.
The final round will be a 4 teams match with only one winner. The winner of the tournament!
Sign In
Authentication or OP is required to play the HR Tournament. At least, one of the members should know how to use commands:
/op To login or "upgrade"someone to let him play. /lock Lock your team to avoid new members /unlock Unlock your team to new members /invite When locked the only way to let other members to join /uninvite To kick a player from your team START_NEW_MATCH
Please, Sign Up your team in the "List of teams" with the following template: (NOTE: IF U DONT HAVE A "Substitute" PLEASE WRITE "N/A")
{{HRTeams|Team Name|Member's 1 Name, Member's 2 Name|Member's 1 Global ID, Member's 2 Global ID|Substitute(Optional)
List of Teams
Any current team is here yet. Be the first one!
Everyone is welcome to Sign Up his server to the HRS Tournament. Only remember to RINCLUDE the configurations and the authentication list. The configs will be released one week before tourney.
Server Configuration
RINCLUDE hrstsettings.cfg(TBA) RINCLUDE hrstsignups(TBA)
List of Servers
Please, fill the server information following the EXAMPLE.
EXAMPLE: Server #0: Server Name, ip, Location, www.serverwebsite.com