Map/Config Rotation

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Tank Program sez'

Yesterday morning I comitted some code to CVS (head) that allows for the rotation of maps and or configs through a cycle at the end of a round, match, or not at all. The config items are ROTATION_TYPE, MAP_ROTATION, CONFIG_ROTATION. ROTATION_TYPE is either 0, 1, or 2. 0 is disabled, 1 is round and, 2 is match based rotation. _ROTATION is a semi-colon deliminated list of maps or configs, depending on variable name. So, for MAP_ROTATION,

MAP_ROTATION fullpath/name.xml;original/map-1.0.1.xml;

and then for CONFIG_ROTATION we have

CONFIG_ROTATION file1.cfg;file2.cfg;

Please note in both lists the ending semi-colon, as it is necessary.

Edit: file1.cfg and file2.cfg are in the config/ directory.