Advanced Chat Features
In some servers, such as Fortress Café and X.Sumo.Server, more advanced chat commands are available for use. The servers have this great help menu. In Fortress Café, it has three branches: auth, game, commands.
This page is a complete description of the /help menu on Café. It is intended to help educate Café players how to help newbies instead of kicking them, how to authenticate, and how to manage teams in a tournament.
The Hierarchy looks like this:
This is the first level of the help menu, Congratulations.
/help auth
How to authenticate" "The so-called Armathentication process is mainly done trough the /login command.
When you are authenticated, it ensures that you are who you pretend to be to the server and to the other players.
That would allow you, on some servers, to do specific stuff once you are granted.
The authentication process is the same across all authorities: Type /login <authority> in chat, where <authority> is the authority you want to authenticate with.
Once the password prompt appears, type in your username you own on the authority and your password. You shouldn't append @authority to your username!
Once the authority confirmed you are who you pretend to be, a message appears and you are now authenticated.
There are several public authorities:
/help auth_x
"How to authenticate using"
"You can use your account from the official ¦×¦ clan forums ( or from any sister sites (such as to login using Armathentication.
The process is the same as with other authorities:
/login x Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and you're auth'd!
If you get an UNKNOWN_USER error message saying you should relogin, just logout then relogin from the official ¦×¦ clan forums."
/help auth_forums
"How to authenticate using" "You can use your account from the official armagetronad forums to login using Armathentication.
The process is the same as with other authorities:
/login forums\
Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and You're auth'd!
/help auth_ct
How to authenticate using" "You can use your account from the crazy-tronners forums to login using Armathentication. The process is the same as with other authorities: /login\
Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and You're auth'd!"
/help commands
This section of the /help menu lists all the commands that can be used.
/help commands_auth
This subsection lists all the Authentication related commands.
/login [<user>]@<authority>
Authenticate yourself using a given authority. Try @forums if you have an account at
Log out so you can log back in as another player
/vote include <file>
Start a poll to include a given file
/vote command <command>
Start a poll to execute an admin command
/admin <command>
Execute a console command on the server if you have sufficient access rights
/op <player> <optional access level>
Gives another player a higher access level; the level defaults to the level one lower than you access level, which is also the maximal possible level
/deop <player>
Reverses /op; it takes away a player's access level, effectively making him unauthenticated again. Only works on players of lower access level than yours, of course.
/promote <player> <optional steps>
elevates a player's access level the given number of steps (default: one)
/demote <player> <optional steps>
lowers a player's access level the given number of steps (default: one)
/help commands_auth_levels
Lists all the Authentication levels
/help commands_chat
The Basic Chat Commands
/me <message>
Transmit an action, as in "/me is a noob."
/msg <part of a nickname> <message>
Send a private message that only a specific player can see
/team <message>
Send a message to your teammates, or to all spectators if you're not on a team
/help commands_misc
Miscellaneous commands: /help You just found out about this one :-) /teach <player> <topic> Same as /help, but the the output gets sent to another player.
Alias for /teach
/command <command>
Execute a command on your own client. Useful for instant chats
/help commands_pp
Player police commands
Get a list of all players, along with some other information
/vote kick|suspend <player>
Start a poll to kick or suspend a player
/help commands_team
Basic team management commands:
Shuffle yourself to be at the outside of your team's wingmen formation
/teamshuffle <position>
Shuffle yourself to be at a specific position
/teamshuffle [+|-]<offset>
Shuffle yourself up/down by a certain number of ranks
Leave your current team. Only works on some servers
Get a list of all teams with a somewhat graphic representation of their formation
/help commands_tourney
Tourney related commands:
Locks your current team. Nobody can join it any more on their own. To let someone in, you need to invoke
/invite <player>
From that moment on, the player is allowed to join you. Another effect of /invite, even if your team is not locked, is that the invited player can read all of your team's /team messages. Invitations are permanent until revoked. That means a player who is invited into your team can join and leave it freely without further need to /invite him again. Players who were on the team when you /locked it are not automatically invited when they leave on their own account.
/uninvite <player>
reverses /invite. The invitation is revoked, the player can no longer join you, and if he currently is on your team, he will be thrown out.
makes your team available for everyone to join again.
/help game
"How to play on this server" "The setup is very simple: At the opposite end of the map from where you start is the enemy's fortress zone. Your objective is to conquer that zone (by entering it and staying in there until it collapse) and to try to prevent the other team from doing the same to yours.
The formation in which you start is a very dangerous one. If you misbehave you can easily kill half of your team. Therefore, immediately after the round starts, move as closely as possible to the centre player and stay that way until you have to split. It takes practice, but you'll learn when exactly you have to split.
--I recommend that Café players add an instant chat /teach <player> game\ and use that instead of kicking. At the moment only Moderators can use the /teach command, because you could really spam someone with it. What's future there, wrtlprnft?