Advanced Chat Features

From Armagetron
Revision as of 09:59, 21 March 2008 by Concord (talk | contribs)

In some servers, such as Fortress Café and X.Sumo.Server, more advanced chat commands are available for use. The servers have this great help menu. In Fortress Café, it has three branches: auth, game, commands.

This page is a complete description of the /help menu on Café. It is intended to help educate Café players how to help newbies instead of kicking them, how to authenticate, and how to manage teams in a tournament.

The Hierarchy looks like this:


This is the first level of the help menu, Congratulations.

/help auth

How to authenticate" "The so-called Armathentication process is mainly done trough the /login command.
When you are authenticated, it ensures that you are who you pretend to be to the server and to the other players.
That would allow you, on some servers, to do specific stuff once you are granted.
The authentication process is the same across all authorities: Type /login <authority> in chat, where <authority> is the authority you want to authenticate with.
Once the password prompt appears, type in your username you own on the authority and your password. You shouldn't append @authority to your username!
Once the authority confirmed you are who you pretend to be, a message appears and you are now authenticated.
There are several public authorities:

/help auth_x

"How to authenticate using"
"You can use your account from the official ¦×¦ clan forums ( or from any sister sites (such as to login using Armathentication.
The process is the same as with other authorities:
/login x Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and you're auth'd!
If you get an UNKNOWN_USER error message saying you should relogin, just logout then relogin from the official ¦×¦ clan forums."

/help auth_forums

"How to authenticate using" "You can use your account from the official armagetronad forums to login using Armathentication.
The process is the same as with other authorities:
/login forums\
Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and You're auth'd!

/help auth_ct

How to authenticate using" "You can use your account from the crazy-tronners forums to login using Armathentication.\n0xffff88The process is the same as with other authorities: /login\
Fill in your username and password once the prompt appears (case sensitive) and You're auth'd!"