Alpha Project
Alpha Project [PROJECT | ONGOING]
This was an idea LOVER$BOY got from a friend of his(he doesn't want LOVER$BOY to mention his name). This is a project full of abnormal modes which means that everything in this mode are originals created by crazy players (like LOVER$BOY). At first, I was developing the mode during my time in the "Tronners Clan" but after leaving, I was free to expand. Soon, I had more than 5 modes and very quickly they expanded to over 12 modes.
The modes I currently have are:
Sonic Fortress World (SFW) Solar Galaxy Racing (SGR) Close Combat Shootout (CCS) Kill Or Be Killed (K.K) Mazed Capture The Flag (MCF) Shooting War Field (SWF) Invisible Capture the Flag (ICF) Reverse Order High Rubber (ROHR) Zombie Shock Land (ZSL) Storming Fast Track (SFT) Kill The King (KTK) Last One Standing (LOS) Titanium Shootout (TSO) Fortified Capture The Flag (FCF) Flagged Racing (FGR) Experimental World (EXP)
These modes are originally made by me. You can find these modes or you can request them at the project website: Alpha Project.
Alpha Project [CLAN | DROPPED]
This project has now turned into a clan due to an idea formed by LOVER$BOY and fman23. They decided that they will re-code some of the basic things in the armagetron servers and put out a wide range of servers that defy normality. With such high expectations, this clan has been formed. Originally there were only two leaders (LOVER$BOY and fman23) but LOVER$BOY's policy of having 5 clan leaders edged him to going and asking his old friends to join him. They of-course have accepted.
The clan is not very into things like tournaments or wars. Call it a "CRAZY" clan because they are practically full of people that are either good or bad. Their "MAIN" leader, LOVER$BOY, has stated in a policy that he doesn't mind if you are the ruler of tron or that you suck worse than the AIs. He will accept you but you also must be nice and polite.
The only policies he has enforced are:
1) Do not abuse the clan
2) Do not bully other clan members
3) Do not create problems within the clan
4) A problem must be reported immediately to the CC. Leaders or C. Leaders
5) Have fun playing the game
LOVER$BOY has stated this when he was questioned the purpose of the clan:
The clan is meant to be a friendly, cheerful clan that doesn't wish to compete with others. Our main goal is mainly to encourage difference in tron because too much normality has taken over the brains that could create the "DIFFERENT" environment for other players.