Custom Language Strings

From Armagetron
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In Armagetron Advanced it is possible to customize the language strings used on your server. Every message text sent from the server has an associated base entry in a language template. The primary purpose for these language templates is to offer localizations in many languages, but you can create your own template to provide modified language strings.

Creating a Custom Language File

In the user data directory of your server create a directory named language, and place a file named custom.txt inside it.

Put the following text in language/custom.txt:

language Custom

# Here is an example of a custom language string. Look in english_base.txt, or
# one of the other language files, to find more messages to customize.

player_entered_game	\1 0x7fff7fentered this server with custom language strings.\n

Using Your Custom Language

Edit your configuration to include this setting:


If your server used a language other than English, then you should set LANGUAGE_SECOND with your base preferred language. For example, if you would like to use Spanish then your configuration would be:


The Alternative Solution (Difficult to Maintain)

One popular method for modifying the default language strings is to manually edit the game-provided template, such as english_base.txt. You should not do this. When you upgrade Armagetron Advanced your modifications will be lost.

The best method is to create a custom language file.