Ezra's 1 v 1 Loose Dogfight Tournament

From Armagetron


Welcome to Ezra's 1 v 1 Loose Dogfight Tourney.

Tournament date is Saturday March 12th at 8PM EST. window 7 tweaks

This tournament is made to rank the current players of DF.


You need a working @forums/Global ID

Its best of 3, 10 rounds. max points is 15.

If you are more than five minutes late you will be disqualified.

Admins/Mods will be chosen, please do not abuse these privileges.

No aliases please.

The official rules of Loose Dogfight will be in effect. They are as follows:

1. No closing is permitted. (That means any wall as well as the rim.)

2. No backdooring is permitted. (If you begin a fight you may not retreat unless sealed.)

3. There will be no bickering or arguing. Referees will be present, but unfortunately are not able to see everything. In the event that this happens if the two players can not come to an agreement both will be removed from the tournament.

4. No camping is permitted. Dogfight is about finishing the fight, so lets not maze or dick around unless you have defeated your opponent. ;)

5. If you are Tagz, Brok3n, or Ultra please do not sign up, you will not be permitted to play.

6. Please play fair. This tournament is designed for competition but that doesn't mean we can't have fun.

Sign Ups

# Sign Ups Are Closed
  1. Ezra Ritsuka@forums
  2. Soul Soul@forums
  3. Tsugaru Tsugaru@forums
  4. koSommak koSommak@forums
  5. BobCart BobCart@forums
  6. mac&cheese maccheese@forums
  7. Rx.dukevin dukevin@forums
  8. `|DiviN3~ DiviN3@forums
  9. -=}ID< Gazelle Gazelle@forums


Admins can help with the tournament play, updating the wiki, and reffing the matches. You may still be an admin and play in the tourney.

  1. Ezra Ritsuka@forums
  2. Soul Soul@forums


Too add a server just copy and paste this code. We need about 3 servers. :> lets get them :D

* '''Ezra's 1v1 Loose Dogfight Tournament(Server Name)''' ([[ServerAdmin|ServerAdmin]]) <code>Address:Port</code> ''Location''
  • Ezra's 1v1 Loose Dogfight Tournament (-=}ID<) (Ezra) Wyoming, US

Server Configs

These will be updated shortly.










