Second Tronic Ladle

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anarchic wanderers beat Wraith Squadron in straight matches (3-0) in the final.

They beat LOL! in straight matches (2-0) in the semifinal.


AW vs LOL at Z-man's tournament server (2-0)

AW were Vanhayes (Team Captain), Hay-lin, 2020, rain and Meriton.

  • I think we had the advantage over them with respect to ping, with only Vanhayes on our team over 100. This was probably the largest factor. 2020

LOL were TitnAss, G5...

WS vs SP at US Fortress (2-1)

WS were Blaze, Kamakazi, Me, Manta (Team Captain)

SP were (Team Captain), Oblivion, Battal and Lackadaisical(sub)


AW vs WS at Z-man's tournament (3-0)

AW were Vanhayes (team captain), Hay-lin, 2020, rain, and Meriton.

WS were Ashitaka, BlAzE, Kamakazi, Me, Manta

  • Again, we had the advantage with most of their team with exorbitant ping. However, they pulled back and brought the game to us in the third match. Meri was left 1v4 about four times in the last match, and he won three of them. 2020
  • Around 2 hours before the ladle in the match USA against Germany for the ITW gArIsImO disappeared. He got connection problems and maybe something else that made him not able to play the ladle. I wanted to thanks him anyway ( our capitan :) ) that, Im sure, lived in our spirits in those moments. I agree with 2020 about pings, but I think that Manta or spidey never had real problems to kill rain in 10 seconds everywhere. So I think we was organized well. And we played as good as to get a victory without lose a single match from the start. I played in center position with 2020 on my left or on my right, we attacked. Vanhayes and Hay-Lin was sweeping and Meriton was our goalie (thanks to him, he saved us). We had a fast attack with 2020 getting the side fast and furious and me trying to pass the middle and fuck up the defense before it was buildt. Meantime the sweeping was excellent, most of times no cycle touched meri's tail. And finally, 2020 already wrote, meri made a great work. Victory or not, the battle against WS has been very nice, relaxed and friendly. That is what I liked more. Last, I wanted to congratulate with them because this is the 2nd time they showed in the final match of the ladle. And Im glad too because 3 members of the oops clan played the final match and not in the same team. :) I hope I'll play again for aw in the next ladle. rain