Strategy Experiments (Anarchic Wanderers)

From Armagetron
Revision as of 16:18, 19 April 2006 by Vanhayes (talk | contribs)


I would like to try out different launches other than the standard pencil grind where everyone grinds to centre and encounter the enemy at the impact zone roughly in the middle of the arena.

regular game play


the fork
3 grind right almost immediate, 3 left, and only 2 go straight.
3 are needed to pick up enough speed. What they do depends on many factors. Perhaps they want to attack, perhaps double back and defend. But to start, play around with the option of the centre two being defence. Perhaps they split either way, create a little wall, perhaps they double back and maze to defend the zone... who knows....

Recording gameplay..
Hey what do you guys think if one of us gets a screen recorder and records some of our matches or in CVS fortress? Like I would start recording in CVS if I was middle and post to show how much pwnidge I am at mid :PPPPPPPP
But yeh..what joo guys think about recording our matches?
2020: yeah... i don't mind recording... but what's the point... we all going to look at the games and suggest new strategies... hehehe
ghableska I'm a bit confused. To record, you go to the AA Record, but where are the files saved, and what program do you use to open the recordings?----- Van:Mine just go to my desktop, Use AA playback to "playback" your recording.