Difference between revisions of "Styctap/Ladderlog Events"

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Revision as of 23:31, 25 April 2023


The list of features and any other that make sty+ct+ap special. (alt title: why you should choose sty+ct+ap over sty+ct [or other versions])

Skip to… * [[./#client-side | Client Side]] * [[./#server-side | Server Side]] * [[./#others | Both]]

Client Side

  • [[../console_commands#tab-completion | Tab Completion]] of names or commands in chat. Similar to 0.4
    • Added to “Special Menu” of sty+ct+ap client build.
    • Can tab complete in color or standard.
    • Using /admin will result in commands filing up
    • Using /team /msg /shout will result in filling executed text with a person’s name closely matching it.`
    • Also works for local commands for “Con:”.
  • [[../console_commands#highlight-name | Highlight Own Name]] in string when your name appears in chat string sent by somebody else.
    • Taken directly from 0.4 Trunk Version.
    • Added to “Special Menu” of sty+ct+ap client build.
  • * is added to the front of player name when viewing scoreboard. This indicates that player is either chatting or idle.
  • Chat message indications:
    • *DEAD* is added to the front of chat string of players that are dead (including yourself). Doesn’t apply to spectators though.
    • *SPEC* is added in front of players in spectator mode.
  • [[../console_commands#silence-enemies | Silence Enemies]] from 0.4
  • [[../console_commands#enable-mates-casing | Enabling Mates Casing]] which was due to phytotron’s complaint.
    • 0.4 Trunk Version has taken it now.
  • [[../console_commands#custom-teamname-commands | Custom Team names]] was taken from 0.4 Trunk Version.
    • I fixed an error that occurs after a player logged into their authority account.
  • [[../console_commands#hide-cycles | Hide Cycles/Walls]] was a new implementation to the game.
    • Users can activate/deactivate them through the “Special Setup” menu option or through the use of the console commands
    • This feature is basically to hide the cycles/tails of players on the grid while the use is also alive.
  • Save/Load CFG Settings

Server Side

  • Rotation of maps and config files depending on [[../console_commands#rotation-type | ROTATION_TYPE]].
  • Storage of maps and config files for non-rotation purposes. Can only be called upon by queueing.
  • Queueing of maps and config files. Chat commands as well (/mq for queueing maps and /cq for queueing config files).
    • When the queue is full, normal rotation will halt and will continue as soon as the queue is empty.
    • View the list of chat commands [[../console_commands#commands | here]].
  • Full racing with times and a timer is supported when turning on [[../console_commands#race-timer-enabled-0-1 | RACE_TIMER_ENABLED]] to 1.
  • [[../console_commands#collapse-destroy-commands | Collapse/Destroy]] zones by their name or id.
  • [[../console_commands#custom-commands | Custom Console Message]] which is quite useful for users bored of appending messages to console_message.
  • [[../console_commands#display-map-commands | Display Map Details]] which is handy to know what map you’re playing in.
  • [[../console_commands#soccer-commands | Soccer Style]] which is quite similar to the real life soccer games.
    • Map is located in the resource: Lover-Boy/soccer-1.0.0.aamap.xml
    • This feature could still be buggy since it was not fully tested
  • [[../console_commands#shot-commands | Shooting at base]] does not have to respawn teammates/enemies.
  • [[../console_commands#deadly-commands | Deadly Explosions]] which was taken from dlh’s branch in launchpad for 0.4 Trunk Version.
  • [[../console_commands#cycle-rubber-deplete-commands | Rubber Deplete Commands]]. Depending on the commands that are enabled, a player’s rubber will deplete.
    • If all commands are disabled (set to 0) then you could achieve immortal rubber and therefore never be core dumped :)

See also: [[../chat_commands | Chat Commands]] for more


  • Alpha Project (sty+ct+ap) has it’s own map DTD with [[./styctap_dtd.html|map-0.2.9_styctap_vX.dtd]] located in Lover-Boy resource folder.
    • The dtd contains a lot of very interesting and fascinating features.
    • Check out Lover-Boy/example-1.0.0.aamap.xml on how it works.
  • Error logging.
    • Any errors detected in Login will be stored in “./var/errors/login_errors.txt”.
  • Multiple Colors in screen name of players is now allowed.
    • This is supported in both +ap clients and servers, however the server must support it.
    • sty+ct+ap the client will also allow entry of infinite color codes into the name within the menu. (Other clients will still accept additional color codes under PLAYER_1 and similar entries, but not in the menu.)
    • This means your name may be truncated if you enter a server which doesn’t support the filter. I may think of a workaround in the future. (probably by looking at the server version, which wouldn’t be perfect either)
  • Updated [[../console_commands#spawn-zone | SPAWN_ZONE]] options.
    • New Zone types:
    • acceleration - When a player enter into this zone, it automatically accelerates their speed.
    • speed - When a player enter into this zone, it makes the player travel at specified/constant speed before returning to normal speeds.
    • rubberAdjust - Set the player’s rubber at constant as long as they remain inside the zone.
    • object - Simply put, a zone without purpose but can do things which the target zone cannot do. For instance, follow a player like zombieOwner. Typically used in scripts.

nelg@nelg-2347ds4:~/Documents/armagetronad-styctap$ nano ladderlog.md nelg@nelg-2347ds4:~/Documents/armagetronad-styctap$ pandoc ladderlog.md -t mediawiki This section is for the ladderlog command that go to the ladderlog.txt file, located in your …/var/ folder. Below are the list of ladderlog commands that can be found in the server/client under


Some of these commands are enabled by default but others needs enabling. (You can enable all with LADDERLOG_WRITE_ALL 1)

Another setting requirement for the use of ladderlog is LADDERLOG_ENABLED. This is enabled by default for servers in recent revisions, however it’s noted here for reference.



CURRENT_MAP <size_factor> [size_multiplier] {map_file}

Outputs the currently played map in the server/client. Is outputted during the time when the round is about to begin.
Example: CURRENT_MAP -3 0.353553 Anonymous/polygon/regular/square-1.0.1.aamap.xml



At the time the match has ended, this will be go to the file.


ONLINE_PLAYER <name> <id> <r> <g> <b> <access_level> <did_login?> [<ping> <team>]

Get the online player’s data.


PLAYER_COLORED_NAME [log_name] [colored_name]

Output that player’s name that has colors and only appears in the clients.



PLAYER_ENTERED_GRID [log_name] [ip_address] [screen_name]

Sends to the ladderlog if this player has entered the grid after entering the server.


PLAYER_ENTERED_SPECTATOR [log_name] [ip_address] [screen_name]

Sends to the ladderlog if this player has entered the spectator state after entering the server.


PLAYER_GRIDPOS [log_name] [posx] [posy] [dirx] [diry] [cycle_speed] {used_rubber} {total_rubber}

Sends this command to ladderlog indicating the player’s current position, direction and the speed they are travelling at.


ZONE_GRIDPOS {effect} {id} {name} {radius} {expansion_speed} {x} {y} {xdir} {ydir} {r} {g} {b}

Send this command to ladderlog indicating the zone’s curent position, direction and the rest of details provided above.


The effects of login and logout only get affected when the next round begins. Meaning, the output of these ladderlog events is basically informing ladderlog this user has logged in or out during the round.


PLAYER_LOGIN <name> <authenticated name="">

Sends to the ladderlog when a player has logged in using their @authority


PLAYER_LOGOUT <authenticated name=""> <name>

Sends to the ladderlog when a player has logged out of their @authority account.


PLAYER_RENAMED <old name> <new name> <ip> <did_login?> <screen name>

Sends to the ladderlog when a player goes through the renaming process (login/out or just name changed).



This command goes to the file at the moment the round has started!



The time of game play when the round has finally finished!


SOCCER_BALL_PLAYER_ENTERED [player_auth_name] [team]

This ladderlog command outputs the player’s login name and the team they are currently in.


SOCCER_GOAL_PLAYER_ENTERED [player_auth_name] [player_team] [team owner of the goal]

Outputs the player’s login name, their team and the team owner of the goal zone.


TEAM_COLORED_NAME [team_name][team_colored_name]

Exactly like PLAYER_COLORED_NAME but this is the output for teams instead.


ZONE_CREATED [effect] [id] [name] [x] [y] [xdir] [ydir]


[effect] - Is the zone’s effect which decides what sort of zone it will be (death, win, target, fortress, object, teleport, etc…) [id] - Is the zone’s id, obviously [name] - Is the zone’s name. It will be blank by default if no name was given. [x] - Is the zone’s x location along the x-axes. Consider this as a spawn position of x. [y] - Is the zone’s y location along the y-axes. Consider this as a spawn position of y. [xdir] - Is the travelling direction along the x-axes. This also judges at what speed zone is travelling at. [ydir] - Is the travelling direction along the y-axes. This also judges at what speed zone is travelling at.

Sends an output when a zone was created when the map is being loaded/parsed.