War Sumo Tournament 30 | Teams | Discussion Thread | Previous WSTs | Brackets |
WST 30 is set for Sunday, June 30th, 2024!
Signing Up
Post your team name, team leader, team leader's global ID, and team players. Your team must have 3 players and your allowed one sub.
This template is for teams that have a page on the wiki. If you don't have a wiki page, create one.
{{WST|Your Team Name|Team Leader's Name|Team Leader's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ..|Wiki Page Name}}
This template is for teams that don't have a page on the wiki but have an external website instead.
{{WSTExternal|Your Team Name|Team Leader's Name|Team Leader's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ..|}}
- LOLcats (Sassycat (vogue@forums), CatNips, Fatcat, KitKat)
- Fail (LucK (LucK@forums), Frog, Acid, Audio)
- The Whos? (Who 1 (Nonofyourbiz@forums), who2, who3, ..)
- Pingu & friends (Pingu (Pingu@forums), Baby Pinga, Robby the Seal, Girlfriend Pingi)
- ThewaB3ers (Theroze (Theroze@forums), B3eR, wap)
- Ninjexo, flying through the Air, style (Ninja (Ninja@forums), Airman, Exologist)
How it works
Teams will be made up of 3 players with 1 sub. Teams will go to their assigned servers at their assigned times. The team leaders must login to invite their teammates and lock their teams. TO make sure both teams are ready there will be a poll to start a new match (/vote include new.cfg). By voting for this poll you agree that you are ready to start. First team to 1000 points wins.
Registration ends February 15th. Brackets will be posted after all teams have signed up.