War Sumo Tournament 30 | Teams | Discussion Thread | Previous WSTs | Brackets |
WST 30 is set for Sunday, June 30th, 2024!
Signing Up
Post your team name, team leader, team leader's global ID, and team players. Your team must have 3 players and your allowed one sub.
This template is for teams that have a page on the wiki. If you don't have a wiki page, create one.
{{WST|Your Team Name|Team Leader's Name|Team Leader's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ..|Wiki Page Name}}
This template is for teams that don't have a page on the wiki but have an external website instead.
{{WSTExternal|Your Team Name|Team Leader's Name|Team Leader's Global ID|Teammate 1, Teammate 2, ..|}}
- LOLcats (Sassycat (vogue@forums), CatNips, Fatcat, KitKat)
- Fail (LucK (LucK@forums), Frog, Acid, Audio)
- The Whos? (Who 1 (Nonofyourbiz@forums), who2, who3, ..)
- Pingu & friends (Pingu (Pingu@forums), Baby Pinga, Robby the Seal, Girlfriend Pingi)
- ThewaB3ers (Theroze (Theroze@forums), B3eR, wap)
- Ninjexo, flying through the Air, style (Ninja (Ninja@forums), Airman, Exologist)
- (not yet decided) (OppOse (OppOse@forums), Karma, Light Sage, Pancho)
How it works
- Teams will be made up of 3 players with 1 sub.
- Teams will go to their assigned servers at their assigned times.
- The team leaders must login to invite their teammates and lock their teams.
- To make sure both teams are ready there will be a poll to start a new match (/vote include new.cfg). By voting for this poll you agree that you are ready to start.
- The matches are first to 2, score limit is 1000.
- Finals are first to 3.
Registration ends February 15th. Brackets will be posted after all teams have signed up.