
From Armagetron
Revision as of 02:43, 23 October 2005 by Raoul Duke (talk | contribs)


Many players ask, "How did you change your name within the game?" or "What is the wall length in this server?" There is a very easy way of changing your name or cycle color and finding out the settings within the game. The Console.

The Console Button

The first step in using the console, is figuring out which button it is bound to it. To bind a new button to the console, go to system setup> misc stuff> global keyboard configuration> console input. Set a button for console input. You are now qualified to tell people that you have ub3rl33t +ron h4x.

Using T3h Console

The console can be used inside or outside of the grid. So. Press the button. You now see "Con:" where it normally shows "Says:". You may now type in commands to alter your settings or view server settings.

Commands of T3h Console

Various Personal Settings

 Player_1 xXx   

This would change your name to xXx.

 color_g_1 n
 color_r_1 n     
 color_b_1 n

Replace n with a number. Any number. Put red at 16 and blue and 4 and green at 0 for example. It's best to figure out the combinations yourself, but Iceman can help you.... Iceman's site.

 ping_charity n

This setting determines how much of your opponent's you are willing to take over. If you have a slow connection, set it to 0, if you have a fast connection set it to however generous you feel.

 camera_custom_back -- The position of the camera behind the cycle.
 camera_custom_pitch -- The angle the camera is at.
 camera_custom_rise -- The height of the camera.

Custom Camera

 Raoul_Duke_Ping 0 

This never works, unfortunately.

Server Settings Commands

 cycle_brake_deplete and cycle_brake_refill
 win_zone_deaths (if set at 1, watch out, it's a kill zone)

Type these commands in the console when:

  • You wish to find out the settings of the internet server you are playing in (do not type values after the words).
  • You wish to alter your own single player game settings (type values after the words, ex: cycle_speed 30).

There are many other console commands. I do not know all of them. Try typing keywords such as cycle, speed, ping, walls, rubber, or any other setting you can think off.


Players can change the color of their text by using oxffoo code.

  • Example: Type in, "0xff0000 Hi I am new at using oxffoo" without the quotations marks of course, and use zeroes, not the letter "o".

For all the oxffoo codes visit Iceman's site.