Playing the Game

From Armagetron
Revision as of 12:21, 22 January 2006 by Lucifer (talk | contribs)

Sections: Installing the Game | Playing the Game | Competition Hub | Server Administration | Extending Armagetron Advanced | Development Docs

This is a page to talk about stuff for players. I didn't write anything because I know you all are just dying to write all your secrets in this wiki. ;)

The Object of the Game

A brief introduction to Armagetron Advanced.

Game Concepts

A discussion of important game concepts.


What is rubber, anyway? I have a gauge for it, but what does it mean?


What is the scale of the arena? How fast am I really going? How long are my walls, if not infinite?

Tricks and Tactics

Introduction to Tactics

A guide for players new to the game that want to improve their abilities.

Player Tricks

Tricks players can use to differentiate themselves from other players or simplify their playing experience.

Single Player Tactics (Against AIs)


Multi-Player Tactics

TODO (I know you'll love writing this)

Team Tactics

For all types of game, here's what you need to know to win or lose without pissing off your teammates.

Fortress Tactics

This is different enough from Team Tactics to get its own page. Most team tactics apply here, but fortress tactics put a whole new take on things.

Grid Games

Sometimes players like to play games that are a bit different than the regular game. Maybe you've seen it and you thought they were camping? Maybe you've tried to play along and had a spot of trouble? Read here to find out all about it.

Game Variations

These are settings that allow for different game play styles or modes.

Game Variations


Page about camping.


Page about lag.

Frames Per Second

Page about FPS.


Using the console.

Press the tilde key.

Effects and Display

A guide to video effects and display.

Playing Maps

Your complete guide to installing a map into Armagetron Advanced and configuring the game to play it for you. It does not include how to make a map, you'll need to saunter over to Extending Armagetron Advanced for that.

Sections: Installing the Game | Playing the Game | Competition Hub | Server Administration | Extending Armagetron Advanced | Development Docs