
From Armagetron
Revision as of 23:17, 13 February 2007 by Kyle (talk | contribs)
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Sty is a game plug-in that can allow a server to have shooting, Capture the Flag or Styball.


  • To patch the game you must first download the patch from


Map Settings

#Zone Types                                   #
 flag      # The flag in CTF
 ball      # The ball in StyBall
 fortress  #The flag base or ball goal.
 death     # Death zones
 win       # Win zone 

Gameplay Settings

 # Shooting / Self Destruct / Zombies
 # The braking reservoir used for shooting goes from 1.0 (Full) to 0.0 (Empty)
 # All of the shot thresholds are calculated from the amount of reservoir used
 # To disable shooting, set SHOT_THRESH to 1.0
 SHOT_THRESH 2              # Amount of brake reservoir that will make a shot, > 1.0 to disable shooting, 0.001 will enable shooting
 SHOT_DISCARD_TIME 0.3      # Time in seconds to hold off shooting between shots
 SHOT_START_DIST 1.0        # Starting distance of a shot from the cycle
 SHOT_VELOCITY_MULT 1.8     # Cycle velocity is multiplied by this to calculate shot velocity
 SHOT_RADIUS_MIN 0.7        # Minimum radius for a shot (As if minimum reservoir was used)
 SHOT_RADIUS_MAX 5.0        # Maximum radius for a shot (Full reservoir used)
 SHOT_ROT_MIN 2.0           # Minimum rotation for a shot (As if minimum reservoir was used)
 SHOT_ROT_MAX 10.0          # Maximum rotation for a shot (Full reservoir used)
 SHOT_EXPLOSION 0           # 0 for no explosion, 1 for explosion centered at cycle, 2 for explosion centered on shot
 MEGA_SHOT_THRESH 2         # Amount of brake reservoir that will make a megashot, > 1.0 to disable, 0.98 is normal to enable this
 MEGA_SHOT_MULT 0.3         # Radius and rotation calculated for a normal shot, then multipled by this for mega
 MEGA_SHOT_DIR 3            # Number of directions to shoot around cycle, 0 to disable the shots (cycle explosion still works)
 MEGA_SHOT_EXPLOSION 1      # 0 for no explosion, 1 for explosion centered at cycle, 2 for explosion centered on each shot, 3 for both
 SHOT_KILL_SELF 0           # (0,1) if set to 1, your own shot kills you or your team
 SHOT_KILL_VANISH 1         # (0,1) if set to 1, shot vanishes after killing someone
 DEATH_SHOT 1               # (0,1) if set to 1 and you were in the middle of a shot, releases it after you die
 SHOT_COLLISION 0           # (0,1) if set to 1, shots collide with each other - WARNING, this is very buggy
 SELF_DESTRUCT 0            # (0,1) if set to 1, creates a blast zone when you die
 SELF_DESTRUCT_RADIUS 18    # Radius of the self destruct zone at the largest
 SELF_DESTRUCT_ROT 7        # Rotation of the self destruct zone
 SELF_DESTRUCT_RISE 5       # Rise speed of the self destruct zone - 0 to start at largest
 SELF_DESTRUCT_FALL 2       # Fall speed of the self destruct zone - 0 to leave there
 SELF_DESTRUCT_VANISH 1     # (0,1) if set to 1, self destruct zone vanishes quickly after a kill
 SHOT_SEEK_UPDATE_TIME 0.5  # The time in seconds that seeking shot directions are updated (zombies)
 ZOMBIE_ZONE 0              # (0,1) if set to 1, killed players create a zombie zone
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_RADIUS 6       # Final radius of the zombie zone
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_ROT 2          # Speed of rotation
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_RISE 0.4       # Rise speed of the zombie zone
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_FALL 0         # Fall speed of the zombie zone, 0 for zombies that don't diminish
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_VANISH 0       # (0,1) If 1, zombie will vanish after killing someone other than his killer
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_SPEED 12       # Speed of the zombie zone
 ZOMBIE_ZONE_SHOOT 1.0      # If > 0, shots will kill of zombies, 1 to decrease zombie size by shot size, > 1 to decrease zombie faster
 SCORE_SHOT 1               # points you gain for shooting someone
 SCORE_SHOT_SUICIDE 0       # points you gain for shooting yourself
 SCORE_DEATH_SHOT 1         # points you gain for shooting someone with your death shot
 SCORE_SELF_DESTRUCT 1      # points you gain for blasting someone with your self destruct blast
 SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONE_REVENGE 1 # points you gain for getting your killer with your zombie zone
 SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONE 0        # points you gain for getting anyone but your killer with your zombie zone
 # Capture the Flag / Ball / Goal
 BASE_RESPAWN 0             # (0,1) if set to 1, any fortress / goal / flag base will respawn the team that owns it if a team player enters it
 BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWN 0       # (0,1) if set to 1, any fortress / goal / flag base will respawn the team that owns it if an enemy player enters it
 BASE_ENEMY_KILL 0          # (0,1) if set to 1, any fortress / goal / flag base will kill the enemy if they enter it, usually set to 1 for ball games
 SCORE_FLAG 3               # points you gain for capturing a flag and returning it to your base
 SCORE_GOAL 1               # points you gain for shooting a goal
 FLAG_CHAT_BLINK_TIME -1    # time in seconds that the chat triangle above a player with a flag will blink, -1 to disable
 FLAG_BLINK_TIME 2          # time in seconds between flag blinking over player with the flag, -1 to disable
 FLAG_BLINK_START 0.2       # percentage of the flag radius to start the flag blink at
 FLAG_BLINK_END 1.0         # percentage of the flag radius to end the flag blink at
 FLAG_BLINK_SPEED 8         # speed at which the flag blink radius increases
 FLAG_BLINK_START 0.1       # percentage of the flag radius to start the flag blink at
 FLAG_BLINK_ESTIMATE_POSITION 0.6 # 0 to start the flag blink at the current player position, 1 to start the flag blink where the player would be at the end of the blink at current speed and direction