
From Armagetron

The following alphabetised list summarises some of the terms used by players for gaming in general, as well as Armagetron-specific jargon.


DC Disconnect.
GG/GM/GZ Congratulatory variations of good game, good going, good match, and sometimes good zone. Almost always at the end of a match.
GL Good Luck. Usually, followed by HF (have fun) at the beginning of a competitive match.
HF Have fun!
NF/GF Nice/Good Fight, usually after an intense 1v1 in Dogfight or Sumo
NPH No Point Hole. In Fortress, a special move that allows holing while conserving points.
PT Perfect Turn: Making an extremely precise turn around an outside corner.
TK Team Kill
VC Voice Chat
WD Well Done


Escaping a boxing situation by tunneling between yours and your opponent's trail, usually leading to an opening or at least positioning you near the end of their trail.


Generally, to assign a key to an action. You might bind a left arrow key to a left turn. Binding two keys to a turn is double-binding, and three keys is triple-binding. However, sometimes turns are described as "binding." For example, instead of saying you turned left three times you might say "I triple-binded."


Boxing is simply driving a wall completely around another player, so he can't escape and will eventually run into it. Some players like to create a tight seal on their exit from this manoeuvre by Digging a wall, other players like to give their victim a small chance of escape and do not seal the box completely.


Camping is generally defined as the deliberate avoidance of confrontation by working an area of the grid away from other players, and therefore needlessly prolonging a match. Boxing yourself into an area of the Game Grid in order to 'camp it out' is seen as very dishonourable.

See Camping

Capture the Flag (CTF)

Capture the Flag is a game mode in which opposing teams try to return the enemy's flag to their own zone, whilst defending their own flag. Complex strategies can unfold, with individual players defending their own flag, re-Spawning core dumped players by driving through their own zone and defending the player currently holding the enemy flag.

See Capture the Flag


In Fortress, driving inside the other team's grind in order to reach their zone. Usually done by player's in the Center position.

Core Dump

To 'de-rez' or kill an opponent on the Game Grid, by causing them to drive into a wall.


Cutting is the simplest way of attacking an enemy Zone, essentially driving your cycle through the gap between the goalie and the end of his wall, 'Cutting' him off.

See Cutting


Although technically a misuse of the rubber mechanics in Armagetron Advanced, it is essential to understand the basics of digging in order to survive on the game grid. Digging refers to the use of a players Rubber reserves to get as close as possible to a wall without dying, before turning to grind.

See Digging

Double / Triple Binding

The act of associating multiple keys to the same action, such as turning. By pressing multiple keys in succession it is possible to execute very tight turns.

See Double Binding


Fortress is a game mode, in which opposing teams try to overwhelm and 'capture' each other's zones. This game mode is very often played in two teams, with one or two players defending their Zone while the others attack the enemy.

See Fortress

Game Client (or Client)

The game client is the software that allows you to play Armagetron Advanced, and is most often simply called 'the game'. It takes user input from the keyboard, and displays a graphical representation of what is happening in the game to the screen. The game client also has a large number of different settings, allowing for different input configurations, detail settings, player profiles, etc. Plus the ability to connect to a server on the internet, allowing for on-line play against other human opponents from around the world.

See Installing the Game

Game Grid

The playing area that a game of Armagetron takes place within. This could be an size and shape depending on the current Map.


Literally slang for "stealing", a gank describes conquering a Fortress zone with a compromised but unbroken defense. Over time, ganking has become synonymous with conquering any Fortress zone, no matter it's state of defense.


The act of running very close to a cycle trace or sometime an arena wall to benefit from the wall acceleration effect. A sound effect and sparks will normally accompany a grind.

See Grinding


A kamikaze attack on an opponent's trail in order to create a hole for a teammate to drive through. Used in Fortress and CTF to reach a zone encircled by the opposing team.


When two players cut in front of and simultaneously core dump each other


Kicking is when you vote to get rid of a player because they are causing a nuisance. Occasionally, a kick vote will be used maliciously by some players, however this rarely succeeds and in fact often backfires. Player kicking is disabled on some servers.

See Etiquette and Protocol


A basic maneuver to save space. Stacking a your trail by triple binding back and forth in a line. Named after the player Kült. Learn more.


Lag is the perceived time delay between making an action and seeing the result on the screen. In a local game, this delay is imperceptible, however online games are subject to network latency, as well as numerous other factors.

See Lag


A map contains the configuration and layout of the Game Grid, and can change numerous settings including the shape and area of the Game Grid, wall positions, player Spawn Points, number of Axes, Zone sizes and positions, etc.

See Map Making

Maze Cucking

Violating the maze of a passively mazing player in Sumo.


Creating an intricate pattern with your cycle trail. This can be done for practice, decoration, or as an important space-saving technique. Mazing is especially important in Sumo.

See Mazing


In High Rubber servers, to obscure the path around a corner so the tunneling opponent becomes disorientated and confused. It's a combination of going backwards through the tunnel and using rubber strategically, usually several times.


The act of reviving your teammates after they die by going into your base or respawn area. A.K.A. res, resing, pru (please respawn us)


Rubber is a mechanism that helps to account for Lag, where time is artificially slowed as your cycle approaches walls, this allows you to react to a situation that would ordinarily have already happened and killed you. If a cycle exceeds its rubber limit at any time, it is considered to have crashed into a wall. Rubber is normally regained at a steady pace.

See Rubber


Synonym for digging. Using a significant amount of rubber while into a wall in order to prevent someone from passing between.


The computer (or software that resides on it) that 'serves' game information to game clients, this acts as a hub for game clients to connect to and play a game with each other. In the context of Armagetron Advanced, the term server usually refers to the 'dedicated server' version of the game, that allows game clients to connect and play, but does not allow direct play through a local interface.

See Server Administration

Spawn Point

A point on the Grid where a player 'blinks' into existence. In some game modes it is possible to revive or 're-spawn' dead players at their spawn points, whilst in others play continues and players re-spawn in the next round.


A game mode requiring players to battle inside a slowly shrinking zone. As a verb, "to sumo" is any number of players battling to control a zone. As an adjective, it describes the act of controlling a zone either from partially or completely inside. An example from Fortress is a "Sumo Defense."


A Team-Kill is when a player kills a team-mate, this is usually unintentional although it can have repercussions if not apologized for.


Driving between two close trails. Some game modes are centered around tracing trails and deliberately leaving space for opponents to tunnel through, often leaving branching turns to trap the unprepared.


A basic maneuver to save space. Double-binding back and forth. Named after the player Womble.


To closely cut in front of and completely surround another player in a single motion. Usually results in instant death because of the close proximity is almost always within the lag-meter's prediction range, giving the opponent no time to react.


An area of the grid surrounded by a coloured, semi-transparent, passable wall; sometimes corresponding to a team's colour which denotes ownership. Zones can serve multiple purposes, such as fortress areas, win zones and death zones, and are 'activated' by keeping your cycle within them (Zone activation can involve the collapse of a zone, such as in the Fortress game type, or the capturing of a flag, seen in the CTF game type).