Search results
From Armagetron
- *manta/cockpit/fort_rooms-0.0.5.aamap.xml *manta/cockpit/killing_zone-0.0.5.aamap.xml2 KB (328 words) - 11:44, 28 August 2021
- * Manta77 bytes (11 words) - 07:48, 22 May 2007
- ...the culture of the Wild West Clan is that of one big happy family. Anyhow, Manta left in a horrible, terrible way and Destiny went AFK. The leadership was t Wild West was originally started by Manta and Destiny. They both quit Armagetronad so Leadership has changed hands a2 KB (286 words) - 11:52, 28 August 2021
- {{Ladle Team|Wraith Squadron|Blaze, Kamakazi, Me, Manta}}440 bytes (52 words) - 19:33, 16 December 2021
- {{Ladle Team|Wraith Squadron|sticky, spidey, kamakazi, jjbean, plato, jud, manta, ashitaka}}523 bytes (65 words) - 07:15, 20 December 2021
- {{Ladle Team|°°ps|AshitakA, Redice, Manta, Hay-Lin, Ñë®D, Plato}}602 bytes (80 words) - 19:45, 16 December 2021
- ...Bravo team will be led by Destiny as the goalie with help from her husband Manta Sweeping. When defending together, they develop a unique synergy that only539 bytes (97 words) - 11:52, 28 August 2021
- WS were Blaze, Kamakazi, Me, Manta (Team Captain) WS were Ashitaka, BlAzE, Kamakazi, Me, Manta2 KB (426 words) - 22:16, 27 August 2021
- | Manta || 9pm-2am PDT || Misc. times during day. Weekends free other than Sundays, * Manta - April 9-10 out of town2 KB (275 words) - 00:09, 28 August 2021
- * Manta ** Votes: [[User:Manta|Manta]] 22:18, 3 April 2006 (CDT)3 KB (486 words) - 00:09, 28 August 2021
- {{Ladle Team|Wraith Squadron|kamakazi, Manta, Goodygumdrops, AshitakA, JJBean}}842 bytes (107 words) - 19:37, 16 December 2021
- {{Ladle Team|Wraith Squadron|BlAzE, Kamakazi, Manta, Me, upacreek, Spidey}}815 bytes (105 words) - 18:44, 5 July 2024
- * [ ~WrD~] (Lightning, Manta, Shock, Spook, Leviathan, Compugene, Pipe, Killer, WinDer, tyler, Taco, .Bu1 KB (162 words) - 22:26, 27 August 2021
- {{Ladle Team|°°ps team| Rain, Hay-Lin, AshitakA, Concord, pixel, Manta, redice, Chuck}}904 bytes (117 words) - 19:56, 16 December 2021
- Manta Manta probably needs to be on the out side.2 KB (425 words) - 11:53, 28 August 2021
- _-`Ww_] (light, noobckin, afronies, shock, spook, monkey.d.luffy, manta, destiny, nat, illusion, corn, ender, elyrn, negative (on standby), ...)1 KB (206 words) - 22:26, 27 August 2021
- ...le Team|Wild West|light, noobckin, afronies, shock, spook, monkey.d.luffy, manta, destiny, nat, illusion, corn, ender, elyrn, negative}}1 KB (174 words) - 20:03, 16 December 2021
- echo "MAP_FILE manta/misc/nano_slingers-0.0.2.aamap.xml\n"; echo "SAY Next Map: Nano Slingers by Manta";4 KB (609 words) - 17:19, 23 August 2021
- ...rder-top:0px; border-bottom:0px; border-right:0px" | '''@High Rubber Tilt (Manta)''' || style="border-left:0px" | Forfeit || style="border-left:0px" | 2-0 ...rder-top:0px; border-bottom:0px; border-right:0px" | '''@High Rubber Tilt (Manta)''' || style="border-left:0px" | 0-0 || style="border-left:0px" | 2-07 KB (840 words) - 13:28, 27 August 2021
- * Wraith Squadron - Manta - I second Durka's statment, We already know an expanding deathzone works v1 KB (231 words) - 23:15, 27 August 2021