Ladle-4/Team List
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The Fourth Tronic Ladle will be played on Sunday 1st October with the finals at 9pm GMT (US: 5pm EDT, 3pm MDT, 4pm CDT, UK: 10pm BST, DE: 23:00 CEST).
Form a team or add your name to one. The following list is provisional: actual players on the day may be different. It is merely a record of intention. Please indicate a Team-Captain. This is a very important role and requires reasonable responsibility -- choose carefully.
Tronic Monkeys (7 Players)
- 2020
- rain
- Captain gArIsImO (uhahahahahah)
- Wrtlprnft
- help im a bug
- ghableska
WPN (7 Players)
(more will sign up)
proN00bz ];) (6 Players)
- newbÎe (captain)
- Slash
- Luzifer
- ~*LoD*~SlaYer
- ct|SeBoL158
- LoD|Ady-Lucifer (not sure if i will be available 1st october...)
Steve Taylor (5+1 Players)
- Lackadaisical (capitán, open for sign ups, check our page)
- Blackbird
- JC (spare wheel, not really good player)
- madmax
- meriton
- MaZuffeR
Holers [Ho] (7 Players)
- Sasha
- Infamous
- ~}{Alex}{~ [Captain]
- $ubzero
- fr34ky!
- HoAX
- cyclotron
Wraith Squadron (5 Players)
- kamakazi
- Manta
- Goodygumdrops
- AshitakA
- JJBean
New sign-ups welcome, please try to attend practice sessions.
.Tronners| .in| .Pyjamas| .TiP (6 Players)
- H.A.K (captain)
- Crackpod(brainstorm)
- Vogel
- White
- ???????????
- Lloyd
It has been suggested that one of the ways we can make the event more exciting is by experienced players starting up new teams. For example, anarchic wanderers players will each or in pairs, start up a new team. They will be responsible for recruiting new players, training them up, and presenting them at the next Tronic Ladle. Could be fun.
Ladle Info | About | Challenge Board | Tools | Operations | Results | Statistics | Voting | Bowl